Sleep issues and FMS

I did an ” up all night” bit again last night, not that I wanted to, I even went to bed a bit early ( early for me that is) and no go until about 4 hours later, which means I was up for over 18 hours, which is two more than normal. Now the aggravating thing is, I was tired, but even with my usual meds, nothing would shut down, but did the toss and turn in the bed, until I said to heck with it, and got up again.

Soon I will try the new meds doc gave me, alone, just to see what they do or don’t do with regard to sleep. The other new meds for the infection, should be well out of my system now. ( although I am likely to need more as the infection they were given to treat, is already coming back ) So, since the body is being particularly a pain about letting me sleep, it will be a good test for them.

To sleep, perchance to dream, such a simple thing, right ? Something most of us take for granted every night of our lives, to just lay down and get some real, restful, regenerative sleep.

Now, I know all the reasons why this happens to those of us with FM, but knowing all that, on nights like last night, does not help me get to sleep, one bit.

It does help me not be too dang irritated about it. After all, why be upset with a body, that is lacking in the very chemistry it needs, in order for me to sleep. The body wants to rest, even more than I do ๐Ÿ™‚ It is not its fault, that it lacks the proper tools, to get the job done.

So tonight I will take the plunge and try the new medication, and see how it goes. Wish me luck.

More soon…..



4 thoughts on “Sleep issues and FMS

  1. Hi Esta – Good luck with the new meds. I had a late night (early morning?) last night, too. It really is terrible to be exhausted and not be able to do anything about it. Hang in there, and I hope that the infection goes away, too. All the best – blue

    • Thank you, I chickened out on the new med at least for last night. I have done so many of such meds, that I honestly fear not only failure, but making matters, worse. But will try it soon.. but will be very harsh on my assessment as I have no problem tossing a pill bottle in the ” trash” drawer.

      Sad really, to consider the medical profession has fails us so often, that we almost come to expect it.. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

  2. *gets out the rubber hammer in case the meds don’t work!* ๐Ÿ™‚

    Overall, at least it is not a problem in our relationship, so that says a lot. I truly feel that mutual understanding for the both of us not falling into the “normal” guidelines, makes life and hardships within our lives a little more tolerable. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • For which I bless you more than you will ever know babe. That you ” get it” and that for you, I “get it”, so yeah, we are not the so called norm, but hey, it works for us and that is all that matters.. Love you :0

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